Service Resilience - Capability Assessment Tool
Service Resilience -Capability Assessment Tool
SR-CAT is our solution to the lack of consistent methodology to assure cyber-resilience of smart services.
An assurance framework for resilient smart services
Provides a methodology to assure optimisation of the operational risks by assessing cyber-resilience capabilities of smart services right from procurement stage
A benchmark to assess smart service resilience
Risk based assessment benchmark that can be consistently applied across smart services for identifying and recommending appropriate and proportionate resilience measures
10 steps to cyber resilience for business continuity
Defines 10 simple, easy to implement and achievable cyber-resilience compliance requirements for the supply-chain while procuring smart services
Automated self-assessment for third party and service providers
Provides an easy to use adoptable tool for supply-chain to self-assess their compliance to 10 steps to cyber resilience of their smart services within the procurement framework
What problems does SR-CAT solve in the smart service ecosystem of a digitally enabled city?
Manages the accountability of risks and liabilities of connected services throughout supply-chain
Enables translation of complex and changing guidelines into simple risk-based actions
Empowers procurement officers to purchase assured cyber-resilient and secure services by design
Improves business continuity planning across supply-chain that aligns towards citywide resilience goals
Verifies and ensures that the services are at an acceptable level of cyber-resilience
Provides an easy and consistent method to assess security and resilience across services
Allows them to keep up with changing requirements and standards
Offers decision support to balance cyber capability with operational risks
Governing Organizations
Offers consistent benchmark for connected service resilience across organizations
Enables credible assurance for procurement of connected services.
Provides easy method of operationalising and improving guidelines
Offers a roadmap for awareness and education of personnel